
Development of
Algorithmic Constructions

18.Apr 2024

31 33 35
√2 √3 √5 √6 √7 √8 √10 √11 √12 √13 √14 √15

Number p= Adjoined square root=


(a+bAI)² = a²-b²A² + 2abAI mod p
|(a+bAI)| = (a+bAI)(a-bAI) = a²+b²A² mod p

Potence 2 Potence 3 Potence 5 Potence 7 Potence 11 Potence 13 Potence 17 Potence 19 Potence 23 Potence 29

Calculation of the metric is the distance from the point x+yAI to the point (p-1)/2+[(p-1)/2]AI
if x>center then x:=p - x
if y>center then y:=p - y
metric:=diff_x^2+diff_y^2*A^2 mod p

Number = 33, Adjoined = √7, Exponent = 1, Jacobi (7, 33) = -1, 33 = 1 mod 4, 33 = 1 mod 8

Number of elements = 40
Number of red elements = 36
Number of elements / Number of red elements = 1.1111111111111

Number = 33, Adjoined = √7, Exponent = 1, Jacobi (7, 33) = -1, 33 = 1 mod 4, 33 = 1 mod 8

Potence 2 Potence 3 Potence 5 Potence 7 Potence 11 Potence 13 Potence 17 Potence 19 Potence 23 Potence 29

metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2
metric = 2

sum of all metrics = 72