
Development of
Algorithmic Constructions


suf_prime This is a sufficent test for primes.
The test uses the arithmetic in the ring natural numbers with an adjoined square root mod p.
This test is faster than the AKS, but slower than the Baillie-PSW, which is unproved.


1. Check if p is not a square, otherwise you will not find an a for 2.
2. a is a number with jacobi (a,p)=-1
3. Calculate if a^((p-1)/2) = p-1 mod p ,
    if this test is wrong, p is not a prime
4. Let be r=2^t where (p+1)/r is odd. Set A=sqrt (a)
    Make sure that s=(1+a*A)^r is not a natural number,
    but still a number with adjoined square root.
    Otherwise you have to choose another a and repeat the points 2., 3. and 4.
5. Calculate res=(1+a*A)^p mod p, (this can be done by fast exponation modulo p)
    If and only if res = 1 - a*A, then p is prime.

Proof for the test

a) the test is valid for all primes p:

(1+A)^p=(1+A^p) mod p
A^p=A^(2*(p-1)/2+1) with A^2= a
= a^((p-1)/2)*A with a^((p-1)/2)=-1
= -A
Therefore (1+A)^p = (1-A) mod p

b) All non primes will not pass the test:

with 4. is it sure that (1+A)^r is an adjoined number.

(1+A)^p = 1-A mod p, this is verified by the test
by multiplication with (1+A) follows
=> (1+A)^(p+1) = (1-A) *(1+A) = 1 - A^2 = 1 - a
(1+A)^(p+1)= 1 - a (Remark that this is a natural number.)
Therefore there exist at least a cyclic group in the adjoined numbers with d>2 and d|p+1

if p is not a prime p=f*g then there must be a cyclic subgroup of f+1 and g+1 with order d.

That means
p+1 = 0 mod d
f+1 = 0 mod d <=> f= -1 mod d
g+1 = 0 mod d <=> g= -1 mod d

p+1 = 0 mod d with p=f*g
f*g+1 = 0
(-1)*(-1) + 1 = 0
2 = 0 mod d
This is a contradiction because d > 2.

That means, if p is composite then (1+A)^p =/= 1-A mod p


                                   10, 4

                                  100, 25

                                 1000, 168

                                10000, 1229

                               100000, 9592
The test is valid at least for all numbers < 10^13 if the proof is not correct.